Grovedale West Primary School has the privilege of preparing students for their adult lives. It is our task to equip all children so that they are ready to enter into their future with good competencies, positivity, hope and anticipation.
Students and families at the school come from diverse backgrounds and the school is committed to providing an inclusive education for all students, building understanding of specific needs and identifying strategies for support.
For young children, school is about learning how to interact within many people and to develop the social skills required for positive social interaction.
Young children come to school with their own level of maturity and therefore require various levels of support as they interact in the school community. Children will make mistakes and the school nurtures them with the skills to move forward in their behavior.
At Grovedale West Primary School values were developed in collaboration with our students giving them ownership and responsibility. We want our students to love learning, embrace life and to achieve more than they ever thought possible.
The core values that underpin the actions and behaviour of our students, staff and families at GWPS are:
To be:
- Responsible
- Inspirational
- Strong
- Empathetic
Our Positive Education philosophy promotes optimism, hope, aspiration and resilience, as the driver of student learning and wellbeing. Positive education is defined as education for both traditional skills and for happiness.
Grovedale West Primary School promotes the establishment of positive and respectful relationships, between teachers, students and parents and establishing a learning community that provides multiple and diverse opportunities for student to experience success. The school aims to identify every student as an individual as well as a learner.
Positive student engagement is identified as three interrelated components.
Behavioural Engagement
The students’ participation in education including academic, social and extra-curricular activities at the school
Emotional Engagement
The students’ sense of belonging or connectedness to the school.
Cognitive Engagement
The students' investment in learning and their intrinsic motivation and self -regulation.